Hi, I'm Rafael Mathé and this is my blog.
Here you'll find my different experiences with drawing, cinema, comics, graphic design, motion design and a series of different supports I'm trying to work with. With some luck I'll suceed in some of them...
I hope you don't pay attention to my bad english, but I have no doubt that this is the best way to talk to a bigger number of people and its sure that all my friends will be able to read my texts.
I start with some images from the storyboard of the film Télencéphale. It's a 16mm film that I'll direct and is produced by Femis (the film school that I'm attending in Paris) as the final project of the 1st schoolar year. It's a videoclip for an original song composed by JayCee. It's the beginning of the process and I'm sure that I'll discuss a lot more about it here.
Thanks for visiting "The Velvet Content". You're more than Welcome here.